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Men paint. They paint women with alluring, black-hole eyes. Men write. About quests and clashes and fights. Male composers write music, getting awards for love songs and touching lyrics. Sinewy hunters create by squeezing women for art. Art is not feminine, but masculinity harnessed to get to life’s core. So, to make art, women themselves must take to the road of questing.
What kind of shoes would you like to wear? Do you wear them? If so, how often? How do they make you feel? Interestingly, these are four simple questions that…
Being a single woman is nothing but normal at some point in your life. It usually is a transient social status. A station which gives you a respite to relax,…
Perfection of a woman’s body is as relative a standard as any conventional paragon. Even your own perspective on perfection changes as you grow and evolve. At each level of…
Impassible salts hovering. Static
Thinking back of my blessed encounter with Edward Barrett Warman’s book, I can single out one particular moment which signaled my being ripe for that encounter. A Stop Is Just…
Connect to your SELF through movement. Here is a process you can use to do so. Process Take some time to be by your own and make sure you are…
If I try to pinpoint the easiest, most natural way in which a person can get to their SELF and define their true, inborn identity, I feel I must resort to ontological thinking….
Here is a tip on how to get into the habit of connecting to your SELF: keep a ‘calendar of your SELF’. You may write it in a notebook, on your personal computer,…
If anything about a woman’s presence counts – appearance, attire, attitude, posture and gate, or voice, it is ONE thing that makes a difference. This stands true about any human being,…
Your Own Signature Shoes Are the Shoes You Die In
in Next WomanA Stop Is Just a Respite to Allow You to Exercise and Go On
in Next WomanTips to Go Gym Easy and Never Let Go
in Next WomanBlue sky invites writing
in Viviana Ioan BooksBreathe Well for Better Health
in Next WomanWear Sincere Shoes on a First Date with HIM
in Next WomanA Sensual Novel. FALL
in Viviana Ioan BooksRo-mâh-nesc Lifestyle. The Boon of Pitipoance on Romanian TV
in Romanian LifestyleHow to Shine this Summer – Be Yourself
in Next WomanInternal affairs minister – comic speech gems
in Romanian Lifestyle