Top 5 Occasions to Wear True Shoes and Revel

Top 5 Occasions to Wear True Shoes and Revel

True shoes are those which tell exactly who you are at heart. Quite often a variety of constraints don’t give you complete freedom to express yourself by means of the shoes you wear. That is why you should take any appropriate opportunity to fête your SELF and wallow in the exact footwear of HER choice.

Own Birthday Parties

This fête of fêtes for anyone should be a celebration of self rather than of the passing of time. First of all, remember that time is relative. In total contrast to time, immutable and honest, stands your uniqueness. On the same date each year, what you revel about should be new steps you’ve made toward self-discovery and empowerment. A new you is not a new self, but rather a fresh, clearer perspective on HER.

This is the perfect occasion to place your SELF into focus. So show off and speak up. Wear whatever type of footwear makes your true self feel happy. Freedom of expression is the best gift you can offer yourself.


Secondly, what is the point of counting years? Well, there is a point, but it is utterly disappointing. This count-up people are accustomed with is nothing but a countdown. Forget about it. Instead, why not concentrate on achievements? Celebrate one step up in this world, and step proudly in your most sincere shoes.

True Shoes on Second Dates

Shoes can make an excellent statement element within the complex of your attire. It can be either an overpowering statement, or a sincere statement of self-power. On a first date with a man I recommend neither.

On the one hand, overpowering should not be the aim of any date with a prospective life partner. You surely do not want to provoke temptation by intimidation.

On the other hand, first dates are more like opportunities for exploration. Observe and listen, while revealing yourself with measure. Be truthful by all means, but leave some blanks for a little suspense. Conquer the man by degrees and feed him on tiny tasteful morsels of who you are.


The best time to make a statement by means of true shoes is on the second date. If you delay the moment too long, your true-to-self shoes might come as a shock to him. Show your inner power at the right time to save both him and yourself time. Shake him a bit and see if he can tune in. If you two resonate, then go for a third date.

Opening Nights

Opening nights are festive and liberating of selves. Any new beginning gives people this sense of shared elation. Then think of nights. Aren’t they inducing of free spirits soaring high? While only few people feel free to exhibit their innermost assets in broad daylight, almost everyone gets bolder at night. And then there is this third connotation, of shared freedom. Spirits meet in a communion of permissiveness.


Therefore dare and share when you have the opportunity to participate in an opening night. Be it at the opera, or the theater, be it elsewhere, dress to the occasion and walk in your most daring and stylish true shoes. If it’s show time, then show yourself.

New Year Parties

New Year parties are crazy. Yes, people go crazy with countdowns in general. It’s again that feeling of communion in the face of something which is about to happen. On the other hand, they love turning points and always welcome the new. Turning points are disruptive of routines and grant people a possibility to vent repressed feelings and thoughts. At the same time, turning points offer an alternative which is always hoped to be better. That is why we make resolutions for the New Year and kiss and hug each other dearly. We get together to celebrate better prospects.


There is no other time like the divide between years to revel and reveal who we truly are and what we really hope for. Many secrets come into the open on that magic night. Why not a pair of shoes you have always wanted to wear, but didn’t dare? Take them out of the closet, now or never. Those are definitely true shoes for you to wear and bemuse. Be as sincere on such a night as you are in your dreams.


True Shoes at Mask Parties

As incredible as it might sound, masks reveal. You can be anyone under cover, but more than anything, your true self. SHE is invited to come out and show off as a queen with a scepter.


Why not let your footwear be your scepter which sets the pace of the ball? Potent and decadent would be two traits to showcase archetypal truths embedded deep into your nature. Be madly sincere at a mask party! As madly sincere as you are in bed while dreaming or living the wildest dreams awake.

So declare the masquerade open once you’ve hushed the ball with your first step in true shoes. Open the path to your true self revealed.

About the author

Solar Writer walking on the dark side to bring mind's secrets to light, in romances with a psychological edge. Next Woman blogger showing you how to use the power of SELF to stay young, confident and magnetic.