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Men paint. They paint women with alluring, black-hole eyes. Men write. About quests and clashes and fights. Male composers write music, getting awards for love songs and touching lyrics. Sinewy hunters create by squeezing women for art. Art is not feminine, but masculinity harnessed to get to life’s core. So, to make art, women themselves must take to the road of questing.
After a political Christmas, I’d really like to get back to all the nice stuff: health, extended youth, fitness and beauty. Healthy lifestyle. But Trump won’t let me. Trump’s image…
Thinking of perfection as dangerous may be too much. But there are some hidden dangers about perfection, depending on your standpoint in relation to it. Perfection Is a Relative Standard…
If you are a single woman 50+ or even 60+, great opportunities open up for you to enjoy life at a higher level. And yes, it’s all about turning. At…
Your Own Signature Shoes Are the Shoes You Die In
in Next WomanRo-mâh-nesc Lifestyle. The Boon of Pitipoance on Romanian TV
in Romanian LifestyleHow to Shine this Summer – Be Yourself
in Next WomanInternal affairs minister – comic speech gems
in Romanian LifestyleGhost Touch: A ghost created my authentic personage
in Viviana Ioan BooksCalendar of My SELF – Friday, April 8
in Next WomanGo Gym Wise, a Rewarding Self-Enterprise
in Next WomanWriters’ dilemmas, trilemmas, umpteen-lemmas
in Viviana Ioan BooksThe Romanian Sham Doctors and Sham Shamans
in Romanian LifestyleBest Shoes to Wear to a Job Interview
in Next Woman