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Men paint. They paint women with alluring, black-hole eyes. Men write. About quests and clashes and fights. Male composers write music, getting awards for love songs and touching lyrics. Sinewy hunters create by squeezing women for art. Art is not feminine, but masculinity harnessed to get to life’s core. So, to make art, women themselves must take to the road of questing.
Go gym is the most active collocation I can think of. The verb go alone is so pleasantly and healthily activating. It points to movement, change, and direction at the…
To stay young is an ideal. How about disrupting the age-old monotony of this statement? We all know that what is seen as ideal or perfect can be so discouraging….
Young forever. A chimera, you’ll say. Well, science has taken giant leaps lately towards making this myth come true, right? But it’s not for everyone, a pessimist might think. Reality…
Your Own Signature Shoes Are the Shoes You Die In
in Next WomanA Stop Is Just a Respite to Allow You to Exercise and Go On
in Next WomanTips to Go Gym Easy and Never Let Go
in Next WomanBlue sky invites writing
in Viviana Ioan BooksBreathe Well for Better Health
in Next WomanWear Sincere Shoes on a First Date with HIM
in Next WomanA Sensual Novel. FALL
in Viviana Ioan BooksRo-mâh-nesc Lifestyle. The Boon of Pitipoance on Romanian TV
in Romanian LifestyleHow to Shine this Summer – Be Yourself
in Next WomanInternal affairs minister – comic speech gems
in Romanian Lifestyle