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Men paint. They paint women with alluring, black-hole eyes. Men write. About quests and clashes and fights. Male composers write music, getting awards for love songs and touching lyrics. Sinewy hunters create by squeezing women for art. Art is not feminine, but masculinity harnessed to get to life’s core. So, to make art, women themselves must take to the road of questing.
There will be no country for Adam and Eve. They have become obsolete archetypes. In the era of quantum physics, humankind challenges duality.
Am I a normal person? I don’t remember to have ever asked myself this question before. This surely is a sign of normality, I gather. Yet, something must be wrong….
I look at sincere shoes from two different viewpoints. If the wearer wants to keep things sincere, she should express herself by means of shoes. On the other hand, we…
Your Own Signature Shoes Are the Shoes You Die In
in Next WomanHow Tapping Works to Solve your Problems
in Next WomanNo Country for Adam and Eve
in Next WomanTHE BELT
in Viviana Ioan BooksThe Secret to Attracting – One Thing Only
in Next WomanNext Woman Slim Smart Preparation Stage – Mind
in Next WomanWriting – Between Therapy and Infamy
in Viviana Ioan BooksThe supermarket’s fruit fairy (“I haunt” Series)
in Viviana Ioan BooksDecorate Your Bedroom For a Good Night’s Sleep – AIR
in Next Woman10 Manifest Signs a Woman’s Body Is Perfect
in Next Woman