Village night. SOIL II
Soon, it got into Mim’s head that commuting was wearing her out. Waking before daybreak and the infernal prospect of missing the return bus and not chancing on a four-wheeled…
Soon, it got into Mim’s head that commuting was wearing her out. Waking before daybreak and the infernal prospect of missing the return bus and not chancing on a four-wheeled…
Illusive brass hues, agleam in phantasmagorical woods, filaments sprouting to light. Liquid breaths, airy dews—desires stirred by whiffs from the fields. Merry daisies captured on canvas in immaculate expectation, dense…
Alone in Stefan’s apartment, Mim rolls in bed, her mind playing the reel of their erotic night. Fastened into an imaginary depravity belt, she then plays the reel of her last love night with Anton.
Her love story street. Mim, though, passes by without a mere glance along its stale muteness. Her love lies dead in her soul, so let the dead rest in peace….
A Sensual Novel 9 Ballet is Chapter 9 of my carousel romance Traveling True: A Sensual Novel. . . . “What are you weeping for?” Mim twirls around to face…
After a sad summer, numbing fall ensues. Mim sleepwalks on city streets hoping Anton’s car passes by and their love story stops it. When the car pulls at the curb, she falls in, blinded by love. Their bodies together, in a love halo, a membrane that, oh my God, bursts open, and the fall outside sets between them.
The Mirror is Chapter 7 of my first novel, a sensuous romance published in 2017 as Traveling True. As powerful as the road, the mirror is a symbol that reflects, absorbs, distorts, and transports….
Lonely in Stefan’s apartment, Mim types to numb pain caused by his gangrening mistake. Caught between his love and her hate, Mim recalls Stefan’s guilty dressing-up ceremonial, his other mistake, and his heartbreaking, loving gaze – a grief hieroglyph.
The car skids onward neighing, a bitten mare, then comes to a stuck halt. Horns, brakes, a ragged doll thrown away. A last spasm squats her memory and the flux of remembrances gushes out of Mim, toxic and stinking. The stench also gushes through Anton’s nostrils and mouth and glassy eyes, transfixed. He mumbles something, is scolding her. Yes, Mim has misbehaved again.
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